UPI recognizes the critical importance of operating under environmentally sound and sustainable business practices for the ecological health of the planet, and is committed to reducing harmful effects on the environment and promoting the understanding of sustainability in its broadest context.
Unique Precise International strongly believes that employees are the greatest asset of the company. Collaboration among individuals is highly encouraged, as it leads to the overall success of the team. We invest in our employees, which motivates them and creates a sense of ownership. Employees are equipped with a quality education and are provided with special training that prepares them for fieldwork. They are also divided into support groups, which helps them flourish as individuals. We also believe in gender equality and equal opportunities for all, proven by the fact that 40 percent of our workforce is female. Moreover, we employ people from six different countries, which is a clear reflection of our diversified nature. We believe in across-the-board accountability, and provide a safe and friendly atmosphere for our employees.
We are fully aware of the fact that our business significantly impacts the environment; we are thoroughly committed to, and have adopted, a proactive approach as far as meeting our desired targets. We place great emphasis on the importance of recycling in our headquarters. In addition, we choose vendors who are ready to invest in technologies that will help them reduce carbon emissions during the production process which, in turn, leads to a green environment.
UPI plays a crucial role in the community. We encourage vendors to build healthy relationships with local citizens, educating them about, and providing them with, sanitation and other facilities. In addition, UPI (with the help of its loyal customers) recycles used and back-end soaps that are distributed to far-flung areas of India where locals are deprived of basic sanitation facilities. And, most important, our company is a trusted partner with an orphanage in Calcutta, which houses approximately 180 children. The company celebrates its birthday each year at the orphanage, and arranges a variety of fun-filled activities for the kids.
UPI chooses its vendors very carefully, following a specially designed screening process that ensures that chosen vendors adhere to our company philosophy. We advise vendors on how they can control dangerous carbon emissions during the production phase, and special measures are taken to ensure a friendly labor environment. And, of course, no vendor is allowed to be abusive or encourage child labor in any form.